Food and Garden Update

The plants are growing like mad — every weekend there’s work to be done to catch up — harvesting, pruning, spraying, weeding, pulling up old plants. Our butternut squash is taking over the fence:


We’ve had two more great harvests since the last one:


(Chrysanthemum greens, a gift plant from Cynthia, are a tasty addition to tomato salads).


(The lame-looking cucumber is just a little dirty on a white spot — he tasted great. The troubled tiny squash, however, yeah, he went straight to the compost.)

And, from these harvests we’ve made many delicious meals — BBQ pizzas are a regular treat (no dishes!), plus tomato salads galore.

Also, C introduced us to the awesomeness that is quark by showing up with lemon quark and garlic quark.

We took the leftovers and made a delicious garlic quark squash risotto:


And here are some sliced Romano Squash to be baked with red onions on top that were marinated in olive oil and herbs:


Eventually, they were joined with baked tomatoes and a mini pizza for each of us topped with harvested goodness:


Have I mentioned how much I love the summer garden?

  1. Arvay 2009.08.10 3:12pm

    That looks delicious. Yay for another use for zucchini!

  2. Elmer 2009.08.10 7:45pm

    Thanks! It was delicious.

    [Word Nerd Warning…]

    In other news, I know, I know, Americans call green long squash Zucchini.

    But, I can't.

    When I hear Zucchini, I think of zucchine, the Italian word root that's been changed to be spelled differently, (which means little zucca, or little squash) and I get all protective of my large green long squash and don't want them to be called by the diminutive if they aren't actually tiny…

    Regardless, this preparation was delicious and I highly recommend it — 400F for 15 minutes, although next time I'd pull them from the oven 5 minutes earlier. They kept cooking after being pulled out and got a bit soggy.

  3. Arvay 2009.08.11 9:28am

    Yay for another use for phallic green Summer squash that likes to grow in multiples of six!

  4. Elmer 2009.08.11 8:50pm

    Ahhh… phallic fruit. One of god's great jokes.

    Multiples of 6?

    [perplexed face…]

  5. Arvay 2009.08.12 9:49am

    I get them in sixes. Three on one vine, three on the other. 🙂